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Plant Circle’s top 5 plants for your workspace

Plant Circle’s top 5 plants for your workspace


In our humble opinion, any plant is better than no plants in your workspace! But even we must admit that there are some that are just more suitable for workspaces than others. In this post we explore which plant varieties would make the perfect additions to your (home) office, and why!

‘Why do I even need plants in the office?’, you may ask. Well, according to scientists, not only do they purify the air you breathe and improve the indoor air quality, but they also help you focus and increase your productivity.
Additionally, looking at the color green makes you feel calmer and uplifts your mood!
All pretty good reasons to have plants around while you’re working, if you ask us, and if you’re feeling convinced too, let’s take a look at the conditions that a plant needs to meet to be considered a great choice for the workspace.

We think that the ideal candidate should be:
• super easy to take care of
• known for its air purifying qualities
• visually pleasing, as a bonus!

And it should however NOT:
• require too frequent watering
• require higher than average humidity

Lucky for all of us, there are plenty of plants that meet all of those requirements, and we’ve gone ahead and made it super easy for you by compiling our choice for the top five plants for your workspace, that tick all the before mentioned boxes!

1. Zamioculcas Zamifoliia ‘Raven’

A very interesting cousin of the more well known green variety, popularly known as the ZZ plant, will lure you in with its stunning, almost black foliage. Besides looking super interesting, this plant is known for being easy care… and we’re talking super easy!

The only way to kill a ZZ plant is by watering it frequently, so just don’t do that and you should be fine! We suggest to water it only every 4-6 weeks and apart from maybe a windowless bathroom, you can pretty much place this plant anywhere you want, as it doesn’t have high expectations when it comes to light either.

Just an easy care champion all around, but one that’s still sure to attract plenty of compliments from friends and coworkers!

2. Monstera Deliciosa

Unbeatable when it comes to creating that #urbanjungle vibe we all love, the iconic foliage and avid growth of the Monstera are just some of the reasons why people continue to be obsessed with this classic.

Monstera Deliciosa will liven up any corner of your office, just don’t let it sit in complete darkness, or the sharp afternoon sun, as that can scorch the leaves.
Just like the ZZ, it’s easy to take care for, but this one will appreciate weekly or bi-weekly watering depending on where it’s placed.

In some countries Monsteras grow like weeds, which seems strange considering its status as a houseplant, but you literally can’t get rid of them if you plant them in your garden in warmer climates, so that should tell you something about how easy this plant actually is!

Read more about Monstera care in this blog post.

3. Scindapsus Pictus

Also known as silver pothos, Scindapsus Pictus is a perfect addition to your workspace and creates and instant lush and jungley vibe. This plant will do great on a shelf or in a plant hanger as it loves to trail. Not only is it super easy to care for, but it’s also known for its ability to remove toxins from indoor climates.

We love the silver varieties, as they’re so unpretentiously beautiful and also grow like crazy! These plants are not fussy when it comes to light and will do well in medium to bright indirect light. Direct sun is the natural enemy of your Scindapsus, and will burn its leaves. Also don’t overdo it with the water, depending on the position simply water it every 1-2 weeks.

Read more about Scindapsus care in this blog post

4. Hoya Carnosa Krimson Queen

Have a sunny office and don’t know what to grow there? Hoyas are your new best friends! We particularly love the Hoya Compacta Baby variety, as it gives you so much variation in color on the leaves! The colors can range from white to cream to hot pink, and an added bonus? Hoyas are succulents, and don’t like to drink often outside growing season AND they produce flowers that smell insanely good!

Place your Hoya on a shelf, or in a hanging basket, and water it weekly in summer, and every 2-3 weeks in winter, provided its growing in a sunny window.
Please keep in mind that Hoyas shouldn’t be repotted during flowering season, and that they like to grow pot bound in general. So basically just leave it alone. Easy!

Read more about Hoya care in this blog post.

5. Sansevieria Metallica

Ok, we know that snake plants may not be known for their stunning good looks, but the gorgeous Metallica variety definitely proves this assumption wrong!

Not only is it proven by NASA that all Sansevierias can help if you suffer from migraines, but also they’re also famous for being super easy to care for. Just like Hoya, Sansevierias are succulents, which means they are not particularly big on drinking. We’re talking not even weekly in summer, once a month will do the trick. Besides that, they like to grow pot bound so you won’t need to repot it that often either.

The perfect plant if you’re forgetful, or don’t stop by the office as often as you used to!

Zamioculcas Zamiifolia XL – Large, Approx. 90.0cm height – 21.0cm Pot Default Title 1

Zamioculcas Zamiifolia XL by Plant Circle – Large, Approx. 90.0cm height by Plant Circle – 21.0cm Pot

Regular price €52,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €52,00 EUR
Unit price  per 
Hoya Carnosa Compacta Baby – Baby, Approx. 7.0cm height – 6.0cm Pot Default Title 1

Hoya Carnosa Compacta Baby by Plant Circle – Baby, Approx. 7.0cm height by Plant Circle – 6.0cm Pot

Regular price €11,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €11,00 EUR
Unit price  per 

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