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Why is my plant yellowing?

Why is my plant yellowing?

One of the most frustrating things for a plant parent is seeing yellowing leaves on one of our beloved plants. Sometimes we have to accept that this is what just happens to plants, but other times we’re able to make some small changes to ensure it doesn’t happen again. Read on to find out what the reasons for yellowing leaves are, and maybe how to prevent the next one!

Nature. Older leaves turning yellow and eventually falling off the plant is part of the plant’s life cycle. If you see an old leaf beginning to turn yellow and die, simply pluck it off. Plants will always shed leaves as they grow, and not every yellowing leaf is cause for concern, especially if you know that you provide your plant with adequate light and water, and regularly check for pests.
There can however be other reasons for yellowing leaves, so let’s go over those!

bottom watering

Water issues. A common result of over watering, or even under watering, your plant is that the leaves start turning yellow. If you notice yellow leaves on your plant, first check whether the soil is crispy dry or still wet, and you’ll have an idea of which crime you’re guilty of… and you might wanna check out this blog post to make sure watering isn’t the cause of yellowing leaves in the future!

Light. Seasonal changes in lighting, or moving your plant to a different position, might cause your plant’s leaves to turn yellow. As soon as there is inadequate light, meaning too little light for the plant to sustain its foliage, it will drop ‘excess’ leaves in order to survive. Once you notice your plant doing this, move it closer to light source or install a grow light. Usually only older leaves will be shed in this way, so if you see your plant shedding new leaves, it’s likely that something else bothering it, like for example over watering.

Nutrient deficiency. If you have never fertilised your plant, or only do so sparingly, your plant might be lacking some important nutrients that could cause its leaves go yellow. After a while the plant’s soil becomes depleted of nutrition, and there’s no other way for the plant to get the crucial minerals than via fertilisers. Remember, fertilising is important throughout the year, not only in spring and summer.

yellowing leaves

Please note that once a leaf goes yellow, there’s no going back to green! We know, it’s a sad truth to face, but the best way to treat yellow leaves is to just cut them off, as this will help your plant focus its energy on the new growth.

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