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Winter survival guide for your plants

Winter survival guide for your plants

As seasons change, so does our houseplant care routine, and as the days get shorter, at least here in Berlin, sun becomes scarce. So with that in mind, we wanna introduce you to some essential tips for keeping your houseplants happy during the darker months!

Clean your windows. Yes, you read that right, our winter survival guide includes cleaning your windows! Dust and dirt accumulate on our windows all the time, but sometimes we forget to consider that it’s blocking the already scarce sunlight from passing trough. Even though it’s not always visible to the naked eye, as much as 50% of that much needed natural sunlight can be blocked by dirty windows!
So do your plants, and yourself, a favour and clean your windows, preferably twice a year, to the the sunshine in!

Licuala Grandis plant window

Move your plants. However annoying it may be to rearrange the plants in your home, you’ll want to gather your plants closer to the windows during winter. In the summer it can be dangerous to keep your plants on windowsills, as they can easily get sunburnt in the the direct summer sun, but in winter the sun won’t be as strong, and pretty much any plant will be happy to sit on the windowsill. Yes, even if your windows are south facing! And if your windows are north facing, well then, keeping your plants on the windowsill throughout the entire year is an absolute must!

Philodendron Billietiae plants

Dust off your plants. Just like dirty windows, dust on the plants themselves will also prevent light from getting to where it’s most needed. And in addition to that, certain plants also really hate dust in general! Dust on your ficus, for example, can actually stunt their growth, so you’ll wanna dust off those babies all year round!

Our preferred way of removing dust from plants is to shower them. However, to avoid overwatering your plants, we recommend that you shower them only on a regular watering day and not in between! If showering is not an option, a simple wipe down with a cloth will also do the trick, and as an added bonus, both of these methods will help keep your plants free of pests as well!

winter plant care dusting leaves

Grow lights for winter

Invest in plant lights. Of course our winter survival guide includes grow lights, and we all know those can cost a fortune. But you don’t have to break the bank when buying plant lights, in fact, literally any daylight bulb will be good for your plants, and by this we mean a light bulb with 4600-6500 kelvin. For reference, the suns color temperature is 5600K, so you may think: “is a ‘regular LED’ light bulb really enough?” This may be a controversial opinion, but our answer is yes!

We have tested a huge range of both grow lights and ‘regular’ LED light bulbs with a cooler daylight temperature, and we can confirm that our plants grew very well while using them. So whatever your choice is, grow light or normal LED, your plants will thank you for the investment!

Reduce watering. Assuming you don’t provide your plants with extra light, and only rely on the power of the sun during winter, you’ll have to adjust your watering schedule. Succulents may only need watering once a month, and other plants anywhere from every 10 to 14 days. You’ll need to keep a close eye your plants and figure this out for yourself, but luckily a lot of plants will let you know when they need water by getting droopy. And for the less communicative ones, sticking a finger in the soil to check if it’s truly dry will do the trick!

Plant watering
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