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Why is my plant turning brown?

Why is my plant turning brown?

Have you ever noticed your plant getting brown spots on its leaves? They can appear on the tips, edges, or randomly on the surface of a leaf. Although this is obviously not the worst thing that could happen to your plant, it’s not pleasant to look at either, and it could be an indicator that your plant is struggling with one of the issues listed below!

Irregular watering. This is a very common issue that can cause brown tips on your plant’s leaves. Whenever your plant needs moisture, but water isn’t getting into the roots, it will pull moisture from the leaves, hence the dried tips. To fix this simply water your plant regularly, perhaps in shorter intervals. 
Wanna know learn more? Let us teach you how to water your plants once and for all!

plant watering

Variegated plants. Brown leaves on variegated plants is super common! Variegated plants are more sensitive to lack of water and light, and since the white parts of the leaves have no chlorophyll, they are highly sensitive to issues that will turn leaves brown. If your leaf is fully white, the chances of it surviving and not browning are close to zero, at least in your home environment. Variegated plants need a lot more light than their green counterparts, so if you love variegated plants, you might wanna invest in some grow lights. Variegated plants will also suffer greatly if you don’t provide them with regular watering or meet their required humidity levels. However, sometimes none of this will help, and the leaves will get brown spots anyway. It’s the cost of their beauty, and something we simply need to accept.

Low humidity. Just like irregular watering, low humidity can cause the browning of the leaves, and on Calatheas in particular you’ll often see the edges of the leaves turning brown. An easy way to fix this is to group your Calatheas together, get a humidifier, or place them on a tray with water and pebbles on it. Tempting as it is, we do not recommend misting your plants, as it is a very short term solution that can even cause leaf fungus if the room does not have proper air circulation. 

brown leaves variegated plants

Sun burn. If you ever notice brown patches on the leaves in more central spots, it’s likely because your plant sat in the afternoon sun and got burnt. Unfortunately there is no remedy for this, your only option is to cut off the leaf if it bothers you, and of course move your plant away from direct sun exposure. This issue is very common in spring and summer, after we’ve been desperately moving our plants closer to the windows all winter, and we forget to move them back to their usual spots in spring… based on a true story that may or may not have happened to us!

Hard water. Another very common reason for the edges and tips of your plant’s leaf to go brown is hard water. If you live in the place where it’s common knowledge that the water is hard, then you’ll need to switch to filtered water or rain water to water your plants. This is a very common problem with Calatheas but we have also seen it happen to other plants like Ficus and Anthurium. Brita filters work pretty well, but for Calatheas we suggest using distilled water only. Read more about hard water here!

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