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Monstera deliciosa 'Thai Constellation' Baby – Baby, Approx. 14.0cm height – 6.0cm Pot Default Title 1

Monstera deliciosa 'Thai Constellation' Baby by Plant Circle – Baby, Approx. 14.0cm height by Plant Circle – 6.0cm Pot

The stunning Monstera Deliciosa ‘Thai Constellation’ A showstopper for any plant lover. Named for its eye-catching, marbled variegation, this rare cultivar features lush green leaves splashed with creamy-yellow patterns, resembling a constellation of stars. Carefully developed in laboratories in Thailand, this unique Monstera brings an exotic touch to your home or office, elevating your indoor jungle to new heights. Perfect for bright, indirect light, this low-maintenance beauty thrives in well-draining soil with regular watering. Whether you're a seasoned collector or new to rare plants, the Thai Constellation is guaranteed to be the crown jewel of your collection. If you love variegation, explore our full Variegated Collection featuring stunning plants with unique patterns and colors. From variegated Monstera and Philodendron to rare Alocasia and Syngonium, you'll find the perfect addition to your plant collection! Water thoroughly when the top 2-3 inches of soil feel dry, ensuring excess water drains out completely to prevent root rot. This plant prefers a well-draining soil mix rich in organic matter. High humidity (60-80%) is ideal for promoting healthy growth and preventing leaf browning. If your indoor environment is dry, consider using a humidifier or placing the plant near other humidity-loving plants. Fertilize during the growing season (spring and summer) with a balanced, diluted liquid fertilizer every 4-6 weeks to encourage lush growth. Avoid over-fertilizing, as it can lead to root damage. Prune any damaged or yellowing leaves to keep the plant healthy and maintain its stunning appearance. Keep in mind that Thai Constellations grow slowly, so patience is key. With the right care, your plant will reward you with breathtaking variegated leaves that are truly a living work of art.

Regular price €29,00 EUR
Regular price €39,00 EUR Sale price €29,00 EUR
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Aglaonema 'Orange Flame' M

Aglaonema 'Orange Flame' M

Regular price €32,00 EUR
Regular price €39,00 EUR Sale price €32,00 EUR
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Anthurium Warocqueanum (Queen Anthurium) XL by Plant Circle

Anthurium Warocqueanum (Queen Anthurium) XL by Plant Circle

Regular price €119,00 EUR
Regular price Sale price €119,00 EUR
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Plant Circle is your online shop for houseplants! We sell hundreds of rare and common plants in all sizes, which will look great in your home! No matter if you live in a single room, flat or a big house - we are sure to stock the right one for your needs. We specialise in tropical houseplants, such as Aroids, but have lost our heart to other And we can ship them right to your doorstep! So, if you want to turn your home into an (urban) jungle, look no further! You will find everything you need in our online houseplant shop. Why everyone should have houseplants Plants have the power to get us out of our heads and back into the here and now, they provide peace and strength, joy and hope. As houseplants, they give us humans purpose and affirmation, but even more so, they make our homes a place of comfort and life where we can feel at home. Houseplants have many positive influences on us, both mental and physical, which have been proven by research. Plants are good for our mental health Plants can help us stay calm and relaxed! Multiple studies have measured the blood pressure, pulse and the level of the stress hormone cortisol of subjects under mental stress or during a difficult task. They found that people remained calmer when surrounded by plants. Some therapists use gardening (and that includes caring for indoor plants) in treating patients with various mental illnesses. The idea is that caring for plants can evoke feelings of happiness and accomplishment in us. And, with that, they help alleviate anxiety, depression, and trauma. It's time to give your mental health a boost! In our online shop, you will find the perfect plants to make you feel better and at home. Plants increase our productivity We are more concentrated, more creative and our memory works better with houseplants around. In a study from Exeter University in the UK, researchers introduced plants to a previously barren office. They found that employee productivity increased by 15 percent as a consequence! In another study published in the Journal of Environmental Psychology, researchers gave students a challenging task. They found that those in a room with plants had longer attention spans than those sitting in a room without greenery. The researchers attributed this to both to the calming and soothing effects of houseplants. Such an environment has a positive effect on our performance and creativity. Because we believe in the power of plants, Plant Circle greens up offices for big companies as well as for individuals working from home. Simply get in touch with us via our form to inquire! Plants are good for our phyiscal health Better air quality When we breathe in, we bring oxygen into the body. When we breathe out, we release carbon dioxide. The cycle of a plant, which is essential for survival, runs roughly the other way around. They take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen again. That's why houseplants are virtually the perfect partners! At least when it comes to the air we breathe. Plants produce the most oxygen when they get plenty of sun and water, because that's when they photosynthesize most effectively. To supply one human being with oxygen, the leaves of our houseplants would have to cover an area of at least 400 square metres. A small tree has a leaf area roughly equivalent to that, so a larger indoor jungle would suffice as well. But even if you have fewer plants, every little counts! Every houseplant increases the oxygen content in the air at home - and that's good for our bodies! With better air quality, we get tired more slowly, get headaches less often and we sleep better! Increase your quality of life with more houseplants in your home! So, browse our All Plants section to find hundreds of great houseplants for your home. Plants purify the air Some plants can not only increase the oxygen content in the air, but also filter potentially hazardous substances from our indoor air. A study by NASA has found this out. According to the study, air-purifying houseplants can remove up to 87 percent of pollutants from indoor air within a single day. NASA researchers recommend one potted plant per 9.3 square metres in our homes. However, you don't have to worry too much about the respective air purification capacity! If you have at least one air-purifying plant per area recommended by NASA, you should be fine. We have lots of air-purifying plants in our online shop, such as Sansevieria, Aglaonema, Spathiphyllum, Epipremnum, Ficus Elastica and more! Plant Circle is your go-to online shop for houseplants you will love!

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Aroids, scientifically called Araceae, are a family of plants that have always been popular houseplants. However they have become increasingly trendy in the last few years. The urban jungle trend has made these plants famous and some of them became highly sought-after collector plants. In our online shop, we have hundreds of both common and rare Aroids for sale in all sizes for sale! Aroid houseplants and their care Even if you don't know what an Aroid is, chances are that you have a plant from this family at home already. These houseplants come in all different shapes and sizes from the classic, large-growing Monstera Deliciosa to the desk-sized peace lily. Scientifically, the Araceae family is easily distinguished by their charactaristic blossoms: Each Aroid blossom is made up of numerous tiny flowers clustered together on a 'spadix', a floral spike, that is found within a single curved, leaf-like 'spathe'. We have all seen this type of blossom on the popular peace lily. While the size, shape and colour can vary between different Aroid species, the overall appearance of the flower is the same for all plants in this family. Some of the popular plant genuses that belong the Aroid family are: Aglaonema  Alocasia  Anthurium Monstera Philodendron  Scindapsus  Syngonium The classic monstera, peace lilies or pothos are among the widespread, common houseplants of this plant family. However, we also sell rare Aroids that can be considered collector plants. These include for example the popular Monstera Variegata, Philodendron Florida Ghost or Philodendron Gloriosum. So, if you want to add some rare Aroids to your plant collection, our online store is the place to be! Aroids are tropical and sub-tropical plants and have become popular houseplants, because a lot of them thrive very well in household conditions. They usually grow on the rain forest floor or on branches under the forest canopy. So, they naturally grow in the shade and do not mind the often poor lighting situations in our home. A lot of them are also tolerant of periods of drought, despite most of them coming from the rain forest. At the same time, they don't take an occasional overwatering too seriously, either. As you can see, overall, Aroids are rather forgiving, highly adaptable and very decorative. This makes for a perfect combination for any houseplant. Make sure to browse our online shop to find hundreds of stunning, easy care Aroids for sale!

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Baby Plants

Baby plants is the most affordable and definitely the most fun way to expand your houseplant collection! Because we know that there is nothing more rewarding than the experience of watching a plant grow in your care, we sell a wide range of both common and rare houseplants in baby plant size. When your beloved miniature plant turns into a fully-grown houseplant over time, every plant parent knows they must have done something right! Baby plants vs. big houseplants There is no doubt that raising a baby plant brings joy to every plant parent! But more than that, it also allows the plants to adapt to your home early on. Bringing bigger houseplants  home can sometimes cause shock to them. Why? Because they grew up in a greenhouse with perfect conditions for them to grow. It takes time for them to get used to their new home. Meanwhile, miniature plants are still more adaptable. Growing up in your home, they will acclimate to your space and care more easily. Miniature plants need different care It needs to be noted that baby plants require different care than fully grown houseplants. Just like human babies, they are fragile and more sensitive to care mistakes than fully-developed houseplants. They do not need as much water in one go as their big counterparts. However, they will not easily survive drying out, because their root system is not as established yet. So, you should always make sure to water your baby plants little but frequently. If you are afraid of forgetting to water your miniature plants for a little too long, we can recommend this watering hack by plant expert Hilton Carter. This trick uses a cord, which you stick into your plants' pots as well as in a vase. Via capillary action, this will allow your plants' soil to always stay moist. Our top baby plant picks Hoya Krohniana 'Super Silver' Hoya Krohniana ‘Super Silver’ is your queen of hearts among Hoyas! This rarely found wax plant has cute, heart-shaped leaves with silver splashes. It is a perfect plant for a hanging basket in front of a sunny window! It is also part of our wide range of easy care plants. Maranta Leuconeura var. kerchoveana 'Variegata' Maranta Leuconeura var. kerchoveana ‘Variegata’ also known as Maranta ‘Beauty Kim’ or The Prayer Plant, is a native to Brazil hardy tropical plant. Known for its striking foliage and no-fuss personality, it makes a great plant for a beginner. Philodendron Melanochrysum Philodendron Melanochrysum is one of the most popular and most exceptional Aroids around! A climbing Philodendron, its velvety leaves start out copper to pink with light green veins and slowly mature to dark green. The leaves on an adult plant are long and heart-shaped, and look beyond striking. This Philodendron is a must-have for any indoor jungle!

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Easy Care

No matter if you have a green thumb or not, these Easy Care plants won't let you down! The houseplants in this selection are perfect for beginner plant parents, since they do not require a certain humidity or a lot of watering to thrive and will tolerate some neglect. If you occasionally forget to water your green roommates, are a busy traveller or if you simply don't want to spend a lot of time caring for your plants, this selection of fail-safe, low maintenance houseplants is right for you! Just because you don't have the time or experience, that doesn't mean you can't green up your home with beautiful, living plants. Why you should give easy care plants a try We as humans are naturally drawn to green spaces, even if we don’t have plants at home (yet!). After all, we are natural beings. So, even the most hardcore city lovers will find it hard to live without any green in their lives. Plants have been shown to reduce psychological and physiological stress. On top of that, studies show they also allow you to be more productive. This is why a lot of companies have greened up their offices in recent years. Yet, a green energy boost for your own home is just as beneficial! So make sure not to lose out on these benefits because you are afraid of plant care. There is really no reason why you should be scared to introduce plants to your home, even if you are a newbie. In the Easy Care category, you can find a great selection of low maintenance plants that only need a few minutes of your attention each week to thrive. In return, they will boost our mood and, as an added bonus, purify the air you breathe. But not only that! Indoor plants bring instant and effortless style to an interior, and there’s a houseplant to suit any size house, apartment or flatshare. Our top easy care plant picks Aglaonema Aglaonema, commonly known as Chinese evergreens, are grown for their vibrancy in colour and gorgeous leaf patterns. They tolerate medium to low light and are perfect for those who occasionally forget to water their plants! Aglaonema are slow growers. However, they will reward you with beautiful variegated foliage and hardiness Philodendron Erubescens varieties Philodendron erubescens varieties are some of the most easygoing houseplants around. These Aroids are very adaptable to different light conditions and tolerate drying out. They are climbers and have long, slender leaves, which vary in colour depending on the cultivar. Many popular cultivars come from it, such as Philodendron White Princess, Philodendron Pink Princess, Philodendron Prince of Orange and Philodendron Moonlight. Sansevieria Sansevieria, also known as mother-in-law's tongue, have been popular houseplants for decades. You will have come across the plain green, long-leafed versions in doctor's practices or shopping centres. This is because they are so undemanding and require very little care, light and watering. But don't worry, we would never suggest boring plants to you! Our range of Sansevieria includes new, funkier and more colourful varieties that are not only easy care, but also eye-catching!

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Pet-Friendly Plants

As pet lovers and owners, we will do anything to make sure our furry friends are safe and healthy. However, that does not mean you cannot have houseplants! Even if your pet likes to nibble on your green babies at times. The plants in this section are pet-friendly.  This means they are non-toxic to pets, so they are safe to have in your home along with your cat or dog! If you have smaller furry friends, such as bunnies, more care needs to be taken. While houseplants have the ability to transform your home into a livelier space, many plants can be toxic to pets that may decide to munch on a leaf or two. Luckily, there are a number of pet-safe plants that can add beauty to your home without being a threat to your furry friend. While the plants in this category are pet-friendly, it is still best to eliminate temptation and place all houseplants out of reach of your cat or dog. Because, even if all your houseplants are pet-friendly and unlikely to cause health issues, they might still cause a tummy ache if your pet decides to snack on it. Our favourite pet-friendly plants Prayer plants Prayer Plants are beautiful safe houseplants for pets, grown for their bold and striking foliage. Some of our very favourite plants belong into this category: Calathea, Maranta, Stromanthe and Ctenanthe. They are called prayer plants because they close up their leaves at night, like hands in prayer, before opening them up again at dawn. This daily movement is known as nyctinasty and is fascinating to witness. African violets African violets are for people who cherish both foliage and flowers on a plant! These compact non-toxic houseplants with furry leaves are available in a multitude of forms and colors. Given the right growing conditions, African violets can flower non-stop for months on end. We are sure your dog or cat will love them, too! Hoya Hoya have been popular houseplants for decades and with good reason. These plants are extremely durable and easy to care for. They also produce gorgeous, fragrant, star-shaped flowers. Their common name, wax plants, refers to their thick, fleshy leaves that feel somewhat waxy. Hoya have come back into trend recently, attracting many new fervent collectors. Luckily, these houseplants are safe for pets as well! Other pet-friendly, non-toxic houseplants include: Ceropegia Jewel orchids Pilea Peperomia Parlour Palm

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About Plant Circle

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Our Story

We’re three passionate plant enthusiasts—Bode, Cal, and Monika—based in Berlin, united by our love for greenery and a desire to share it with others. Since 2017, Plant Circle has brought joy to over 10,000 customers, and this is just the beginning of our journey.

Guaranteed Shipping

Cultivating, packaging, and delivering a diverse range of plants across Europe is no small feat. But rest assured, we guarantee your plants will arrive healthy and thriving—or we’ll replace them at no cost to you!


We’re committed to protecting the environment by using plastic-free packaging and striving for carbon-neutral deliveries whenever possible.

Queer and woman-owned plant shop image – Established 2017 in Berlin

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About Plant Circle

Rare plant collection photo – Exclusive plants and accessories for plant enthusiasts

We’re three passionate plant enthusiasts—Bode, Cal, and Monika—based in Berlin, united by our love for greenery and a desire to share it with others. Since 2017, Plant Circle has brought joy to over 10,000 customers, and this is just the beginning of our journey.

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I‘ve ordered from plant circle 3 times now and I was always super satisfied. The plants were bigger than expected and very well packed. The shipping to Austria was very fast and they only use paper as packaging material so I really can’t complain at all!

— Klara from Austria

Plants arrived in good shape to Finland and they were huge, much bigger than I expected!

— Alvi from Finland

I live in Denmark, and just got my package. Just perfect! VERY well wrapped and in good condition. Would buy from here again 💯

— Nikie from Denmark

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